Faithful Roofing and Restoration

Exterior Painting

Making your house stand out with a quality exterior paint job is the essential step to creating an overall curb appeal. Make sure you go with a color that best fits your home’s overall aesthetic and complements the property’s landscaping well.

Protect it From Natural Elements

Quality exterior paint works as an added layer of protection from the elements, helping to keep your home safe from weather damage, insects, and dust. The paint can even prevent exterior wood from rotting.

Repair Damage

Working on repainting your home can be a daunting task. Many different flaws need correcting, such as mildew and water stains from leaking roofs or ceilings; rotted wood caused by old paint chips before it was painted over with newer layers to protect against further damage due to weathering

Increase House Value

A great way to secure or potentially even increase your home’s value is by painting the outside of it. Studies show that a house with fresh paint has more appeal, making any potential buyer want what you have.

Core Values

Faithful Roofing & Restoration

We genuinely care about you, your family, and your property.
Adherence to moral and ethical principles. We live by this code, and when we make mistakes, we make them right. We are on your team!
We support those who are less fortunate and the youth in our community. By doing business with us, you make an impact.
We value each person we meet, and want to hear your story hoping for the opportunity to share ours. Our goal is to build a relationship!
To believe the truth, ability, and strength of our company. It’s important that you’re comfortable working with us. We are here to serve you well!
L.I.G.H.T. Core Values

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